[Salon] Do Not Disturb: Israel Is Battling Iran - Opinion - Haaretz.com

(This is a bit longish so just delete it is an option.)
Chas shared this Gideon Levy article yesterday, which some here will say is unduly critical of Israel with its implied criticism in the suggestion of "Don’t bother Israel right now with international law and with apartheid – can’t you see it’s busy with Iran? 

So to offer hope to the many here I know who are “cheering" for those Israelis and their apartheid state who demand absolute “majoritarian democracy, as a one-time former CIA officer and co-founder of National Review, Rousseauist, and disciple of Leo Strauss, called for in the US, as explained in his foreword to his translation of Rousseau"The Government of Poland,” “help is on the way!" Israel has what this Conservative theorist advocated, which perhaps explains why the “National Conservatives” along with their RepubLikud allies love the Israeli Occupation so much. No more namby pamby talk of “rights” as Levy suggests that Palestinians should have as the “minority” has no rights under this political theory which could interfere with the “consensus" of the majority. As it is to be guided by an elite which is to determine how people are to think, in this Conservative theorist's political theory. Whose name I won’t utter here but whose political theory is enjoying a renaissance today as foundational to Trumpism and National Conservatism. Just in the interest of providing equal time as a counterpoint to National Conservatism, I recommend watching the documentary Vita Activa, particularly beginning at about the 50 minute mark, which is remarkably prescient to what we are seeing today in both the US and Israel, following a pattern previously seen in Italy and Germany. And it goes with the YouTube link that Chas just provided, Empires of Ideas, which should be about the universities developing “independent thinkers,” like Hannah Arendt, in opposition to the regimented “non-thinkers” our political system has become infested with. The need for that today in the US and Israel is as much as it was in Germany in 1932. Which is apparent if one watches the complete Viva Activa documentary here: 

This short trailer doesn’t do justice to the documentary itself but is an introduction to Arendt’s insistence on the importance of "critical thinking” which is so necessary to exercising “judgment:” 

Without which we get “Lying in Politics” unchallenged with true facts, as with Fascism vs. Facts, as explained here:

But knowing the popularity of Trumpism here, one can dismiss Gideon Levy as a “Liberal,” as was advocated by Arthur Finkelstein for Conservative campaigns in the past to discredit anyone opposing the “Conservative Revolution,” or today, “Socialist,” and fully adopt a Trumpist foreign policy, as called for here a few years ago: 
BLUF: "Michael Rubin, a resident scholar at the conservative think tank American Enterprise Institute (AEI), was quoted in the Washington Post last month as saying, “What’d I’d like to see is them [the Trump administration] going along with the deal, but subtly antagonizing the Iranians enough so the Iranians want to scrap it… More non-nuclear sanctions. Pushing the IAEA [International Atomic Energy Agency] to inspect more. We can force them to be the ones to pull the trigger.” The subtext of this shameless strategy, a strategy shared and expressed by other conservative foreign policy operatives, is to create a situation in which the administration can argue that Iran is to blame for the agreement’s collapse, effectively creating a false pretense for war.

Trump did his best to follow Rubins strategy, as the following links show!

A policy which was described in the eloquent words of one of Trump’s foreign policy advisors:  
"During his visit to Israel in mid-February, Graham said, 'A lot of Iranian scientists have had a lot of accidents, and we would expect more accidents to come. Having said that, if the Iranian regime sees nuclear weapons as an insurance policy for survivability, it will suffer a lot to get there'”.

Or if Trump himself should falter in imposing the Trumpist foreign policy called for by AEI’s Michael Rubin, The American Conservative’s alternative favorite National Conservative, Ron DeSantis, former JAG advisor to the SEALs, is ready to carry on a SEAL-like foreign policy against not only Iran but also China, as a Conservative “non-interventionist.”  

And as a final alternative, NatCon Josh Hawley is eager and ready to “stand with Israel” in a war against Iran:

Some here might believe as bad as things are with Biden, an alternative calling for even more war, while lying that it isn’t, and demanding even more suppression of free speech, as the un-named political theorist called for, whose writings against free speech are now enjoying a renaissance with Conservatives, could be even worse. 

Or better, for those hoping to see Trump and Netanyahu reunited as heads of state, and accelerating once again the wars against Palestinians, Iranians, . . . 

Do Not Disturb: Israel Is Battling Iran - Opinion - Haaretz.com

Please do not disturb Israel – it’s busy fighting with Iran. The fight is to prevent Iran’s nuclearization, but no less than that it serves Israel in other realms. And so Israel will keep on fighting, will not stop trying to move heaven and earth, will not give up, even when the chances of success are nil, in the face of the agreement now being formulated.

And so Prime Minister Yair Lapid is acting the same way former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu did, with vociferous and uncompromising opposition to the agreement. On this level as well, there is no difference in their conduct. And that is because over the years the struggle itself has become fruitful for Israel, no less than the declared goal. The first to identify this was of course Netanyahu, the father of the war against the Iranian nuclear project.

This is a war against the acquisition by a country openly threatening Israel with a doomsday weapon, but at the same time it’s also a campaign to lift what Israel considers no less of a threat – global opposition to the occupation.

Since Israel began the fight against the Iranian nuclear program, it has managed to turn the content of global discourse on its head. If before that, every diplomatic encounter dealt with the solution to the conflict, now it’s been pushed aside – with lip service and a photo op at the Palestinian Authority headquarters in Ramallah – and conversation moves to the really important matter: the Iranian nuclear program. Don’t bother Israel right now with international law and with apartheid – can’t you see it’s busy with Iran?

The Iran issue allows Israel to go back to its favorite position – the eternal victim, with an entity seeking its destruction; and when Israel shouts “destruction” who will not come to its defense? When the existence of Israel is threatened by another country, it can’t be bothered with the minutiae of the occupation, the settlers and human rights. And the world gives in easily. In any case it has no particular interest in solving the Palestinian problem, it has more urgent and resolvable issues. And so the conversation about Iran serves almost everyone.

For yearsת it was Palestinian terror that served Israel – of course you can’t trust airplane hijackers and bus bombers. Hamas also played into Israel’s hands: After all, you can’t give in to the local branch of Al-Qaida and the Islamic State. Iran rose in the east; a great miracle was wrought.

Iran not only obviated the Palestinian issue; it also helped unify the ranks at home: An external threat and a fearmongering campaign are always good for those who rule, anyone who rules. And there’s no threat like the Iranian one to enrich the defense establishment with more and more funding and magnify its importance. Danger, war.

Iran also allows Israel to continue its starring role on the global stage: The Iranian nuclear project is a global matter, and Israel is playing the leading role, as the prime potential victim. All this is not to say that Iran does not constitute a strategic threat and that Israel is not a potential victim. Of course it is, but Israel knows how to squeeze the most out of every threat.

The most reasonable agreement possible to achieve is now being formulated – and Israel is already sounding the alarm and clamoring, at least to receive proper compensation from the United States. They’re already talking about more military aid in exchange for an agreement that will be good for Israel.

No matter how we present it, Israel benefits. We should supposedly be proud of a policy that benefits Israel and also protects it as much as possible. However, as in every deal, the Iranian deal also comes at the expense of something else. And that something else is the end of the occupation.

Iran certainly didn’t intend this, and neither did Israel, but in recent years nothing has served the Israeli occupation so much and so efficiently as the Iranian threat. Now all that’s left is only to hope that the agreement with Iran doesn’t take the matter off the agenda, perish the thought. Israel needs it like air to breathe.

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